TFNaz Teens
Whether you’re just entering 6th grade or you’re on your final year of high school, being a teenager isn’t always easy.
Life wasn’t meant to be lived alone & TFNaz Teens is the perfect place to share all of the struggles, joys & the victories in your teenage years. Our goal is to help teenagers experience a lifelong faith, grounded in Jesus & inspire them to see that they have a purpose as followers of Christ.

Sunday Mornings
10:10am in the Gym
Calling all 6th-12th graders! Sunday morning may come early but it’s worth getting up to hang with us! We have snacks, a time of music and worship, and then meet in our small groups for teenagers (Teen Life Groups) to talk about Scripture and how it applies to our lives.

Sunday Nights
- 6pm in the Gym
- High School Students! Sunday night is for you! Come hang out, play some games, join us for music and worship, and a message about God's love and purposes for us.
Wednesday Nights
- 7pm in the Gym
- For all 6th - 12th graders
- Hey Middle Schoolers! Wednesday nights are exclusively for you! We call it MidNight and we have a ton of fun playing games, enjoying worship, and learning about Jesus. Come hang out with us!

Monthly Events
Our students stay active!
Themed nights, service projects, overnight events like 30 Hour Famine, mission trips, and camp are only a few of the monthly activities we have for students.
Want to stay up to date on our TFNaz Teens events? Fill out the form below and connect with Pastor Val to be added to our communications list.