Twin Falls

Church of the Nazarene

Changing lives through authentic Christian community

Our Worship Services

Join us for in-person worship in Twin Falls or online from your home

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Sundays @ 9:am & 11:15am

Posted on Sundays at 11:15am on Facebook and Youtube

view livestream

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Sundays @ 11:15am

view on facebook

Image: family singing in swahili


Saturdays @ 11am

Centennial Celebration

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Centennial Carnival

Saturday, June 8
Noon - 4pm

TFNaz lawn

Food Trucks, games, music, photo booth, face painting, and lots more

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Family Friendly Comedy Show

Saturday, June 8 @ 7pm

Presenting the live performance by award-winning comedian Nazareth!

Ticket Price: $25
Early Bird Price: $20 before May 1

Purchase Tickets

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Worship on the Lawn at TFNaz

Sunday, June 9 @ 10:30am

Dr. David Busic, General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, will be speaking.

Free meal following the service.

Holy Week

See our website bulletin page for more in-depth details regarding Holy Week


Church Events

Click on any of the events to see whats happening at Twin Falls Church of the Nazarene!

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Our Local
Christian Church

Serving the Twin Falls community for over 90 years

More than ninety years ago a band of believers started a fellowship to reach out to the people of the Magic Valley. Through the years the church has grown but the vision has remained the same.

Today, Twin Falls Church of the Nazarene is still committed to changing lives, one person at a time, through authentic Christian community. We invite you to get to know us – but more than that, we desire that you’d get to know the amazing God we serve.

Image: Twin Falls Chuch of the Nazarene building with clear skies

TFNaz Ministries

Diverse ministries for people of all ages & backgrounds

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TFNaz Kids

All children from birth through the 5th grade are welcome to be a part of TFNaz Kids!

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TFNaz Teens

All young people, 6th-12th grade, can be part of our ministry to teenagers called TFNaz Teens.

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Young Adults

A place for young adults, ages 18 to 20 something, to hang out, grab a cup of coffee, and hear the Word.

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Life Groups

Need a place to connect with God and other adults to talk about life? LifeGroups are for you.

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Worship Arts

We are passionate about giving God our best in worship. Check out our Worship Arts page to learn more about what we do on Sundays.

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Upward Sports

Strengthening young athletes mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. For kindergarten through 6th grade.

Mission Statement

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What We Believe

Helping generations find & follow Jesus together

Jesus came to find and restore the lost.

Time with God puts everything in perspective.

Life is better together.

Come to the altar — the Father’s arms are open wide.

Twin Falls Church
of the Nazarene’s
Core Values

We value the authority of the Bible.

Therefore, we accept it as God’s Holy Word given to us as our rule for belief, our moral code for living, and our source for preaching and teaching.

We value sincere, earnest prayer.

Therefore, we seek a personal, continual communication with God. Prayer is an essential element in coming to know God and receiving His power and direction for our lives.

We value inspirational worship.

Therefore, we purpose to bring all generations together into a personal and shared experience of the presence of God by offering our praise, adoration, and devotion to Him.

We value genuine Christian Community.

Therefore, we are committed to knowing and loving one another. This commitment is best expressed and nurtured through small group relationships of encouragement and accountability.

We value all people.

Therefore, we encourage and support Christian missionary evangelism, education, and compassion at home and around the world.