What's Happening at Twin Falls Church of the Nazarene
Crisis Care Kits
- Compassionate Ministries emphasis for January
- Crisis Care Kits are a cooperative effort between Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and Nazarene Missions International
- These kits are shipped around the world where crises strike to assist individuals in a meaningful way
- Pick up bags and content list at the table in the foyer
- Purchase only NEW items that are on the list, in the quantity listed to prepare a bag
- Any exception can cause an entire shipment to be delayed
- All bags should be returned by Sunday, January 26
Upward Game Day Volunteers Needed
- There are a few Game Day Volunteer positions still available for you to sign up and serve! Game days are Saturday, January 25 - Saturday, March 8
- 2, am Scorekeepers (8am-noon)
- 1, pm Scorekeeper (noon-3pm)
- 2, am Runners (take line-up sheets to announcers, helping with tunnel, sweeping, lights, etc)
- 2, pm Runners (same activities as am Runners)
- 2, 3pm Tear Down Volunteers (following the last game at 3pm)
- Need to be able to put chairs and tables away, lift bleachers (folding) to upright position and roll to storage position
- Lunches for volunteers - select a Saturday between January 25 and March 8, prepare lunch for 20. Examples: soup and bread, chili, pulled port sandwiches)
- Please contact the directors indicating where you will help out at [email protected]
High School Winter Retreat
- February 15-17
- Garden City, UT
- 9th-12th grade students are invited to join us for a TFNaz teens exclusive winter retreat weekend! We will spend time in worship and fellowship with the goal of renewing our hearts and minds to be centered on Jesus
- Cost: $75, which includes everything for the weekend
- Register by Wednesday, February 5
- If you have questions, including questions about scholarships for the event, reach out to Pastor Val at 208-733-6610 or [email protected]
School Year Schedule
TFNaz Kids Sunday Schedule
- Classes for birth - three year olds 9am, 10:10am, & 11:15am. Kids can be checked in and picked up downstairs in the Baby HUB
- 10:10am, Life Groups for kids four years old - 5th grade, begins Sunday, 9.29
- 11:15am, kids four years old - 5th grade can be checked in and picked up upstairs at The HUB and HUB Jr
- If it is your first Sunday at TFNaz, please stop at the Connect Booth to check kids in to the Baby HUB, The HUB, and HUB Jr
TFNaz Kids Wednesday HUB Club Schedule
- HUB Club for 4 year olds - 5th grade will begin on Wednesday, 9.25
- There is also classes for 3-year-olds and younger downstairs in the Baby HUB
- Adults - check out Life Group options you can participate in on Wednesday nights
TFNaz Teens Sunday Schedule
- Sunday Mornings
- Teen Life Groups meet at 10:10am in the Gym
- Sunday Nights
- High School Night (for 9th-12th graders) begins on Sunday, 8.25
- 6-7:30pm
- Gym
TFNaz Teens Wednesday Schedule
- Middle School, 6th - 8th graders) MidNight, begins on Wednesday, 9.4
- 7-8:30pm
- TFNaz Gym
YAK (Young Adult Konnect) Summer Schedule
- A group for 18 - 20 somethings
- Tuesday evening gatherings meet at different locations
- Text TFNAZYAK to 97000 to find out details
Care Fund
Prayer Ministry
Volunteers Needed for Kid’s Ministry
The goal of Kid’s Ministry is for every child to learn about Jesus, feel loved, and have fun!
- Volunteers are needed to help during the 10:10am Life Group Hour, 11:15am & 6pm Worship Services
- You would be a helper on a rotation
- No preparation required
- You get to request which service you volunteer for 10:10am Life Group Hour or 11:15am worship service
- Everyone waits to help thinking someone else will step forward. Don’t wait, we need you!
Sign Up
Right Now Media
- For Life Groups, for personal devotions, for kids, for every phase of life!
- We have purchased a Right Now Media subscription for everyone in our church
- Text TFNaz to the number 49775, and an invite will be sent directly to your phone for you to register for free!
- You can watch on your phone, on your tablet, on your computer, or on any smart TV. Get equipped, Get inspired!
- Click on the link below to watch an introductory video about Right Now Media
Ways to Give